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Slow? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 20 June 2012 18:10

We've received some reports about SubtitleReSync (Pro and Basic) being slow on some machines. To be honest we really don't know how that is possible. We're testing both the Pro and Basic version on 4 different machines to be sure that the apps work in various environments:

- Macbook Air - Snow Leopard - 2 Gb Ram - in fact this is our main development machine to make sure we have compatibility for OSX versions on small machines with either Snow Leopard or Lion.

- MacMini - Snow Leopard Server - 2 Gb Ram

- iMac - Lion - 4 Gb Ram

- iMac - Snow Leopard - 4 Gb Ram

On none of the machines (all running on latest versions of OSX SL or Mountain Lion), and these machines are not the most fast ones, the app is slow. May be only the clean startup with or without a movie takes some additional seconds to load but slower than about 30 seconds is never observed. May be we just have pretty clean machines.

As a matter of fact, the opening (or dropping) of a subtitle of about 1500 lines together with a 700Mb DIVX AVI movie over a local network (Gb) from a NAS should not take more than just a few seconds. Larger movies may need some more time but you should experience the same lag while opening the movie with Quicktime because SRS is using Quicktime technology (with preferably Perian) under the hood.

If you experience these kind of problems, please drop us an email or write something in the Forum section with some details about what you were trying to do: movie, movie-type, subtitle-type etc.. We hate these kind of complaints and just want to make sure you have the best experience you have spent your money for.



UPDATE: extensive testing did not show any performance problem on Snow Leopard or Mountain Lion. So actually, we're starting to believe that this is a false statement coming from our competition or from people with a accidentally bad performing Mac. Until we receive a proper bug-report, we'll ignore this issue for the time being.


Last Updated on Thursday, 07 November 2013 21:30